Sunday, July 12, 2009

A thorne in the backside, a pain in the arse called "Daily Soaps"

Hey guys i'm back................. sorry for posting it later than promised but here i go again :P. The first post i discussed with you guys was about the thing i loved the most and in my second i'm going to discuss the thing i hate the most in the world Daily Soaps. Man if i were given command of a TV station relaying i would ban all soaps for life......................... i mean i simply can't get the funda behind this how can u watch some guy's or lady's life over a thousand episodes when u have a lifetime to look after your own? i mean the people in these soaps never have any thing to cheer about in their whole god damn life(sorry if i took god's name in vain but can't help it). It is so damn frustrating to watch. I come home after playing football i'm fatigued and tired, i need some relaxation but all i get to see is the last thing i want to see in this world some twelve year old "married" girl running around like a rat pesking. Then again that is not the end then after that i have see a sobbing lady and a frustrated guy both of whom have been married 5 times. I mean i can understand the guys frustration :P but then he must be more than an idiot to marry 5 times. The lady............ what has she to worry about she always had some one to pay for the bills n then again why the heck did u marry that guy if u know ur not going to be happy...................stupid!!!! If i go on i can keep going for days that is why i won't take more time to irritate u guys but we need to take a stance now guys n write as prolifically as we can to stop this torture forced upon our generation................................. seeya guys........... and as arnold says "I'll be back."

1 comment:

  1. mastu mottam chadvale kani edo rasinav kada anduke comment
