Sunday, July 12, 2009

A thorne in the backside, a pain in the arse called "Daily Soaps"

Hey guys i'm back................. sorry for posting it later than promised but here i go again :P. The first post i discussed with you guys was about the thing i loved the most and in my second i'm going to discuss the thing i hate the most in the world Daily Soaps. Man if i were given command of a TV station relaying i would ban all soaps for life......................... i mean i simply can't get the funda behind this how can u watch some guy's or lady's life over a thousand episodes when u have a lifetime to look after your own? i mean the people in these soaps never have any thing to cheer about in their whole god damn life(sorry if i took god's name in vain but can't help it). It is so damn frustrating to watch. I come home after playing football i'm fatigued and tired, i need some relaxation but all i get to see is the last thing i want to see in this world some twelve year old "married" girl running around like a rat pesking. Then again that is not the end then after that i have see a sobbing lady and a frustrated guy both of whom have been married 5 times. I mean i can understand the guys frustration :P but then he must be more than an idiot to marry 5 times. The lady............ what has she to worry about she always had some one to pay for the bills n then again why the heck did u marry that guy if u know ur not going to be happy...................stupid!!!! If i go on i can keep going for days that is why i won't take more time to irritate u guys but we need to take a stance now guys n write as prolifically as we can to stop this torture forced upon our generation................................. seeya guys........... and as arnold says "I'll be back."

Saturday, July 11, 2009

First post what else can it be but Manchester United

You know guys really i cud have talked about so many other things but right now Manchester United it is running through my veins and to say the truth it has become more of a religion to me. The first ever football match i saw was the 1999 champions league final and ever since i have been awed by the way they play never have i seen ne thing so amazing in my life. "Manchester United" may be one day i'll get my self a tattoo saying that................... I wish that they win everything this season n shut every moron(scousers) up who ever said that United was only about CR7............... cos a single guy is never above the club. United has been winning for the past 100 years and it will keep winning for the infinte time still to come........................... United for ever........................ Glory Glory Man United.............................. I <3 United for all Mafia Wars fans :P